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Write a Check
Make check payable to:
Seeds of Harmony
and mail to:
1 Chapter House Road
Unit 1175
Round Rock, AZ 86547

Secure On-Line: Monthly or Recurring
In this space you can say what certain $ amounts would do
for example
$25/month would...
$50/month would...

Employer Matching
If there is potential in your area...

Our Wish List
Garden Tools
Office Supplies
Building Supplies
Rain Barrels etc

Be a Social Media Advocate
Like and share our social media pages.
If you made an on-line donation to us, challenge your friends to match your donation.
You can fundraise directly through your own profile on social media accounts. Many people fundraise for a nonprofit of their choice in lieu of birthday or wedding gifts.
Simply launch a fundraiser on facebook or instagram, search for Seeds of Harmony, set a goal and share with your friends & family.

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